Raise Your Vibration Instantly
Copyright © Tune In With Me ® LLC 2022
Thank you Karen for that wonderful healing
We picked me apart so I can be whole
God bless you and your big ass bowl! (Janet)
I really want to thank you for your reading. It was a great experience! All the energy that I had spread out feels back inside me again, and I feel empowered and whole--strong enough to withstand others' energy incursions! That passion we talked about that I need to rekindle is back! I feel more focused and motivated than I have in a long time, and I've been getting a lot done since we got back. Thank you! (India)
Thank you so much! I felt very affirmed by the reading you gave to me at the fair. I seldom have readings, having had a lot of experience in the past with so-so readers and have come to rely on my own intuition much more, but your reading provided true insight, help and support at this time of transition for me. I am grateful! Take care and blessings, (Sue)
You are truly a blessing and a gift to the world. I am so grateful you are in my world! You spark my imagination to make real a magical world long dormant! You direct me and others to the higher self, pointing the way, shining the spotlight upon our true self. An inspiring role model, and what a great blessing you are! You are gratefully one of the brightest guiding lights in my life. (Becky)
Here's an extra special heart felt THANK YOU from the fullness of my heart for your contribution to my Tarot card reading last night --- since what you said was so right on! You will never know what a clearing that was for me, so I thank you deeply. ( Marilyn)
I wanted to thank you again for the numerology reading and the marvelous conversation. You hit several areas spot on and have given me much to consider in this, my "9" year of "Letting Go". Also, I'm going to learn how to make my restless nature work for me in ways conducive to growth rather than against me in ways of dissatisfaction. I've already found the book you recommended, Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, and look forward to reading it soon and I appreciate the tip regarding how to utilize hand mudras for optimum benefit. I already know it will stabilize some of this emotional imbalance. You are gifted. I thank you and I send you much love energy. (Elaine)
My greatest wish is that anyone with the desire is able to enhance their own inutritive skills, letting go of lower energies, and allowing the high vibrational frequencies into their life. Everyone has the ability to connect with spirit and is constantly being sent messages. We are all born intuitive. I have been studying Divination, Energetic Healing, and Shamanism for 27 years, and reading professionally for 23 years.
The stones have talked to me since the moment we found one another and they are the true Shamans. My Readings combine every skill I have along with much help from your guides. The stones have a story to tell about your journey and they love to align your chakras to enable you to see this right along with me. My goal is to assist clients in Tuning In to their own intuition and guidance to hear messages of inspiration and love. Providing uplifting information on ways to understand and nurture yourself and the people around you.
Although I have been reading with The Stones for about 17 years, The Bowl joined me in 2015.
The Bowl represents and is connected to Earth and greatly assists in shifting and changing perception.
Deep within the Heart of the Earth, where the beat of the Earth is found
Take yourself there now to restore and energize
Listen for this sound and restore your heart with the Earth's heartbeat
The Bowl holds a field of consciousness, a state of high vibration
Building a bridge, a connection with the Higher Mind.
Fill out the Contact form to reserve an appointment at an event I am attending or request a phone reading.
You may also call or text me at 947-985-8282.
I don't believe I will ever have enough as there is always something new which interests me. Most recently, adding study of the Akashic Records.
Reconnective Healing Practitioner Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher - New Earth Therapy
Master Natal Astrologer - Alhambra Institute Master Tarot Reader - Alhambra Institute
Tuning Fork Therapist - Healing Energy Palmistry, Runes, Tea Leaves, Meditation - Alhambra Institute
Foot Reflexologist - Holistic Health Services, Inc. Healing Touch Practitioner - CO Center for Healing Touch Inc.
Medical Intuitive Training - Caroline Sutherland Lightworker - Natural School of Metaphysics
Holographic Sound Healing Tibetan Bowl Healing